Psoriasis is a long-standing autoimmune disease, a skin disease where the body attacks its very own immune cells which are characterized by patches of abnormal skin anywhere on the body. These skin patches range from small, medium to large-sized patches which are typically red, itchy, and scaly.
- Autoimmunity: Faulty functioning of the immune system
- Hereditary: The genetic cause is also known to be the major cause of psoriasis.
- Medications: A long-term intake of medicines, such as beta-blockers (antihypertensive medicine) and NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs), may increase your risk of developing psoriasis.
- Trauma: Any type of injury to the skin may also trigger psoriasis in the affected area.
- Stress: Long-standing stress may make one prone to suffer from psoriasis.
The major symptom of Psoriasis is patches of red, inflamed papular eruptions on the skin surface with adhesive silvery white scales covering them. The spots have well-defined borders. In some cases cracks that bleed often, appear on the skin. An itching and burning sensation accompanies the eruptions, the intensity of which varies from case to case.
Psoriasis often runs a relapsing and remitting course. A few of the complications of Psoriasis are Psoriatic Arthritis, Uveitis, Conjunctivitis, Type-II Diabetes and kidney problems.
Homeopathic Approach For Psoriasis
The disease is deeply seated and hence it needs a systematic and well-planned treatment. Homeopathy has the potential to stimulate the body’s natural healing capacity and restore the disturbed immune system. Homeopathic medicines address and work at the root cause of the ailment and restore the deviated immunity to normal.
Scope And the Duration of Homeopathic Treatment
- The treatment time varies from case to case.
- One should immediately start homeopathic treatment to reduce the treatment time and prevent the risk of further complications of the disease.
- Types of psoriasis where the scalp, joints, and nails are involved need much more time compared to the other varieties of psoriasis.
- When one suffers from extensive psoriasis (where more than 50% of the body is involved), lesions take much longer to heal than in mild cases.
- Underlying autoimmune diseases, such as thyroid disorders and ailments, diabetes, or systemic illnesses, such as hypertension, may also affect the recovery time. A significant recovery may be found in the initial 8 to 10 weeks of the treatment.
- The longer you take the steroids or any other immune suppressants; the treatment time lengthens as the disease becomes more complex.
- We have observed that psoriasis on the skin is easier to treat than psoriatic arthritis (psoriasis affecting the joints) and psoriasis affecting the nails. Similarly, scalp psoriasis is challenging to treat as compared to psoriasis affecting the skin.
At Divine, meticulous details are noted while taking the case history of the patient, and that helps us to learn the disease process in the patient. We excel in treating patients with modern homeopathic medicines with the help of which we have been able to give sustainable results to most patients with psoriasis. Based on our significant experience, we strongly recommend homeopathy for the treatment of psoriasis.
The main remedies for Psoriasis are Arsenic Album, Graphites, Arsenic Iodatum, Psorinum, Petroleum, Sulphur, etc.