Prickly Heat: Homeopathic Approach

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Prickly heat is a skin rash that usually shows up in summers. While children & adolescents are often the victims, anyone of any age can get prickly heat. Also called miliaria, prickly heat rashes appear as red, raised spots on the skin.

Prickly heat rash can affect any part of the body. It mostly appears in places where the person sweats heavily. This includes the back, underarms, groins, stomach, shoulders, or neck. The rash can become extremely itchy & even look embarrassing. Let us understand what causes prickly heat & explore ways to keep your skin cool this summer.



Prickly heat appears as tiny colored bumps on the skin surface. Often these bumps cause excessive itching. It usually goes away on its own in a few days.


Homeopathic Approach:

Homeopathic medicine offers painless & chemical-free treatment for many skin rashes. If your prickly heat has already started or you would like a remedy to take with you on holiday, there are "acute" homeopathic remedies that can be used to bring rapid relief naturally.

Prevention is better than cure, so if you are prone to prickly heat each year, it is advisable to seek "constitutional treatment" to address the root of the problem and improve your natural immune response. This means understanding the complaint in relation to your whole health rather than just viewing the symptoms in isolation.

If anyone is facing skin problems in summer heat, do contact your nearest homeopathic doctor for a permanent solution to all your summer problems.

Here are a few remedies for Prickly heat but they should be taken under the guidance of a doctor:

Urtica Urens cream or tincture can also be applied topically to help relieve the itch.

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