Monsoon Diseases: Homeopathy Approach

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The monsoon season not only brings with it the joy of rain, but also brings with it a variety of diseases. In the monsoon season, due to cold and humid weather and water logging, many types of diseases can occur. Many of these diseases can be fatal. During the rainy season, our body is more susceptible to health issues as the monsoon reduces our body's immune system. Our body is constantly affected by allergies, infections, indigestion problems, so we should keep our body immune to such diseases. Generally, the humidity level in the atmosphere is high during this season; as a result, the body's digestive capacity decreases. The important thing to keep in mind is that you should avoid oily food, street food, or any kind of food that is prepared in bulk, otherwise, there is a possibility that it will upset your stomach.

Some of the most common health care ailments of the rainy season are as follows:

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are common during the monsoon due to constant wetness and the possibility of exposure to dirty water. The moisture present in the environment helps the fungus grow and bloom, especially between the skin layers such as the waist or toes.

Respiratory allergies

Due to changes in temperature and poor hygienic practices, which are common during the monsoon, conditions such as runny nose, sneezing, headache, and frequent throat infections are widespread.


Due to changes in weather and wetness in the atmosphere, allergic asthma is more severe in its intensity and frequency during the monsoon. Dust mites and pollen also cause inflammation in the airways and cause it to contract, making air exchange difficult and causing difficulty in breathing.


This is a very common problem during the monsoon, as the parasitic Entamoeba histolytica, which is responsible for it, tends to survive for a long time in hot and humid conditions. It enters the body through contaminated food or water and produces diarrhea or dysentery along with blood and saliva.


It is a common term that refers to an infection of the gastrointestinal tract (bacterial/viral). It gives rise to many problems like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting, which leads to a decrease in body fluids which in turn leads to dehydration. Children are usually affected. It is caused by unhealthy environments, contaminated water and food items, and overcrowding.


It is a water-borne disease and is especially common in the monsoon. Typhoid is spread through bacteria and can be spread by unclean water and food. The serious symptom of this disease is that the bacteria of the disease can be seen in the patient's father's body even after he has been sentenced. Symptoms of this disease include prolonged fever, severe abdominal pain, and headache. This is a communicable disease that can spread easily. Therefore, typhoid patients should be kept separate from other people.


This is a mosquito-borne disease and is caused by a virus, in which when the mosquito bites a dengue patient, the dengue virus enters the mosquito and when this mosquito bites others, the dengue virus from the mosquito enters the body of that person and thus the spread of dengue. Dengue is characterized by a sudden high fever, body tremors, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite, red patches on the body, and abnormal bleeding such as bleeding from the nose, gums, or urine.


This is an infectious disease that is spread by the bite of mosquitoes. Stagnant water and wetness favor the breeding of mosquitoes, so the number of malaria cases increases during the monsoon. Fever with cold and then sweating is characteristic of malaria fever. Cases of chloroquine-resistant malaria are on the rise these days.

Apart from this, diseases like chikungunya, jaundice, viral fever, conjunctivitis, and leptospirosis are also seen in the monsoon.

Homeopathy plays a very effective role in the treatment of various ailments caused by the monsoon. Homeopathy can be taken by children, young or old patients of every age group. Ars Alb, Aconite, Cuprum Met, Chrysorbic Acid, Merc Sol, Natrum Sulph, Antim Tart, China Ars, etc. are medicines that help in the treatment of diseases occurring in the monsoon. Patients are advised not to take it on their own and avoid self-medications. Homeopathic medicine can be used as a preventive even in case of an epidemic.

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