Migraine: Homeopathy Approach

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It is one of the most common ailments of the nervous system. The pain especially affects one side of the head. A migraine headache is often throbbing. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise. The pain disrupts regular activities. The victim is completely normal between the two episodes. They may or may not get certain warning signs before the attack. It is usually frequently seen with gastric, vision, or other neurological signs. Such as flashes of light or blisters or various shapes in front of the eyes and sometimes temporary loss of vision. Other symptoms may be related to sensation. This includes the sensation of a thorn or fork on the face, hands, or legs. Sometimes speech difficulty can also be a symptom.

Homeopathic Treatment for Migraine

In my 33 years of practice, many cases of migraine have been cured, in other systems they call it incurable but in homeopathy it is useful. Migraine is a disease for which homeopathy can do something positively. There is no cure for this disease in allopathic medicine. Therefore, despite allopathic treatment, patients come for homeopathy treatment after suffering pain for 10 to 15 years. And homeopathy has a magical effect for migraine, where the patient has no other option.

A few homeopathic remedies for migraine are belladonna, gelsamium, netrum moor, spiegelia, iris versicular, glnoin, etc., which are given according to the details and symptoms of the person.

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