Insomnia: A Homeopathic Approach

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Insomnia is a very common problem that affects your energy, mood, and ability to function during the day. In which a person has difficulty falling asleep, has trouble sleeping, or gets up early. Chronic insomnia can also contribute to serious health problems. Insomnia is diagnosed when a person has difficulty sleeping for three nights during a period of at least three months, and it causes significant distress in daily life. Different people need different amounts of sleep.

Stick to a regular sleep schedule for a good sleep. Turn off all screens at least an hour before bed. Avoid stimulating activity and stressful situations before bedtime.

Home Remedies:

Cumin powder and ripe bananas: First, mash the cooked bananas properly. Then, mix the cumin powder well in the banana you peel. Finally, eat this mixture before you go to bed. You should follow this method regularly to see the best results.

Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia:

Individuals suffering from insomnia get surprisingly positive results using homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic medicines commonly given for insomnia include: Coffea cruda, Nux vomica, Passiflora, Kali phos, phosphorus, sillica, sulphur, staphysagaria, etc. Self-medication is not advisable for patients suffering from insomnia, as each case requires a detailed evaluation before prescribing medications.

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