What is fungal infection?

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Fungal infections, or mycosis, are diseases caused by fungi (yeast or mold). Fungal infections on your skin or nails are the most common, but fungi can also cause infections in your mouth, throat, lungs, urinary tracts, and many other parts of your body. Fungi are in soil, air, water. Many fungi live naturally in our body (mouth, GI tract, skin) but under certain circumstances it can grow more. There are millions of fungi in the world, but only a small number of them cause the disease. This includes certain yeasts and molds.

Is the fungal infection serious?

The most common fungal infections, such as those on your skin or nails, are usually not severe. If your immune system is weak, you are at an increased risk of developing serious illness from certain fungal infections.

What are the types of fungal infections?

Fungal infections can occur on the surface of your skin, nails or mucous membranes (superficial or mucocutaneous), under your skin (subcutaneous), or inside other organs of your body — such as your lungs, brain, or heart (deep infection).

Homeopathic treatment for fungal infection

Homeopathy is effective for fungal infections. However, as the disease gets older, it tends to become more resistant to any type of treatment. Also, once you use anti-fungal creams for several months or years, this infection becomes more resistant and difficult to treat. In resistant cases, some homeopathic medicines help to cure. If the disease does not self-recover in about three months, homeopathy is recommended for a longer period of time.

Homeopathic medicines cannot kill fungi. They boost the body's immune system, so that the body can fight and resist the fungus. With regular use, homeopathic medicines help prevent frequent infections.

Homeopathic medicines for fungal infections such as Sepia, Tellurium, Graphites, Sulph, Silicea, Thuja, Antimonium Crud, Bacillinum and Borax are given according to the symptoms.

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