Eczema: Homeopathic Approach

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Eczema is a chronic inflammatory, non-contagious condition of the skin which is characterized by a red itchy, bumpy rash. The skin is dry and flaky and can also lead to thickening and hardening (lichenification) at the later stages. It is often synonymously used with the term ‘dermatitis’ and ‘atopic dermatitis’. Eczema may be either acute or chronic. It may occur abruptly or gradually and may last for a few weeks or months or years.



Homeopathy for Eczema:

Homeopathy has a good scope in treating recently detected cases of mild and moderate eczema, usually requiring eight to twelve months of treatment. Advanced and steroid-dependent cases may need longer treatment durations for sustained recovery. The treatment time varies depending on individual constitution, age, and genetic background.

We have documented successful treatment of thousands of eczema cases, ranging from mild to severe, with homeopathy. Various remedies such as Sulphur, Natrum muriaticum, Graphites, Silicea, Thuja, Mezereum, Borax, and Nitric acid have shown efficacy in treating eczema.

Based on our experience, we strongly recommend homeopathy for the treatment of eczema.

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