Homoeopathy in Gout

Homoeopathic medicines can be a big boon for all those who suffer from high uric acid. These medicines work by reducing the uric acids overproduction by the body and accelerating the removal of this waste product through the kidneys. It controls the uric acid diathesis and is also useful in acute attacks.  

Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout also helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints. One big advantage that homoeopathy offers in the treatment of high uric acid is that once treated the chances of relapse are very less, this is also subjected to the condition that diet and Alcohol and weight are well controlled.


About Gout:

Gout is a disease characterized by an abnormal metabolism of uric acid, resulting in an excess of uric acid in the tissues and blood. People with gout either produce too much uric acid, or more commonly, their kidneys are inadequate in removing it. There are a number of possible consequences of this buildup of uric acid in the body, including acute and chronic gouty arthritis, kidney stones, and local deposits of uric acid (tophi) in the skin and other tissues. Gout may occur alone (primary gout) or may be associated with other medical conditions or medications (secondary gout).



Uric acid is generated as we metabolize the food we eat and as the body's tissues are broken down during normal cell turnover. Some people with gout generate too much uric acid (10% of those affected) and are medically referred to as "over-producers." Other people with gout do not effectively eliminate their uric acid into the urine (90%) and are medically referred to as "under-excreters."


Risk Factors:

The genes that we inherit, male gender, kidney function, and nutrition (alcoholism, obesity) play key roles in the development of gout. Gout is not contagious.

·        If your parents have gout, then you have a 20% chance of developing it.

·        Post-pubertal males are at increased risk for gout compared with women.

·        People with insufficient kidney function are at increased risk for gout.

·        Intake of alcoholic beverages, especially beer, increases the risk for gout.

·        Diets rich in red meats, internal organs, yeast, shellfish, and oily fish increase the risk for gout.

·        Uric acid levels increase at puberty in men and at menopause in women, so men first develop gout at an earlier age (after puberty) than do women (after menopause). Gout in premenopausal women is distinctly unusual.

Attacks of gouty arthritis can be precipitated when there is a sudden change in uric acid levels, which may be caused by

·        Overindulgence in alcohol and red meats,

·        Trauma,

·        Starvation and dehydration,

·        Chemotherapy,

·        Medications,

·        Diuretics and some other anti-hypertensive medications, aspirin (bayer, ecotrin), nicotinic acid (b-3-50, b3-500-gr, niacin sr, niacor, niaspan er, slo-niacin), cyclosporin a, allopurinol (zyloprim) probenecid (benemid)

·        Contrast dyes.


Symptoms and Signs:

1.      The first symptom of gouty arthritis is typically the sudden onset of a hot, red, swollen, stiff, painful joint. The most common joint involved is in the foot at the base of the big toe where swelling can be associated with severe tenderness, but almost any joint can be involved (for example, knee, ankle, and small joints of the hands). In some people, the acute pain is so intense that even a bed sheet on the toe causes severe pain. Acute gouty arthritis at the base of the big toe is referred to as podagra.


2.      Even without treatment, the first attacks stop spontaneously, typically within one to two weeks. While the pain and swelling completely go away, gouty arthritis commonly returns in the same joint or in another joint.


3.      With time, attacks of gouty arthritis can occur more frequently and may last longer. While the first attacks usually involve only one or two joints, multiple joints can be involved simultaneously over time. It is important to note that unrecognizable (subclinical), potentially damaging inflammation in joints can occur between attacks of obvious flares of gouty arthritis.


4.      Kidney stones are more frequent in people with gout.


5.      Uric acid crystals can form outside joints. Collections of these crystals, complications known as tophi, can occur in the earlobe, elbow, and Achilles tendon (back of the ankle), or in other tissues. Typically, these tophi are not painful. However, tophi can be a valuable clue for the diagnosis as the crystals that form them can be removed with a small needle for diagnosis by microscopic examination. Microscopic evaluation of a tophus reveals uric acid crystals.



Tests to help diagnose gout may include:

1.      Joint fluid test– Joint fluid may reveal urate crystals.

2.      Blood test-to measure the levels of uric acid and creatinine in your blood.

Blood test results can be misleading, though. Some people have high uric acid levels, but never experience gout. And some people have signs and symptoms of gout, but don’t have unusual levels of uric acid in their blood.

3.      X-ray imaging-Joint X-rays can be helpful to rule out other causes of joint inflammation.

4.      Ultrasound-Musculoskeletal ultrasound can detect urate crystals in a joint or in a tophus.

5.      Dual energy CT scan –This type of imaging can detect the presence of urate crystals in a joint, even when it is not acutely inflamed.


Complications with gout:

·        Longstanding untreated gout can cause irreversible joint damage.

·        Uric acid can deposit in the kidneys and cause kidney stones and decreased kidney function.

·        Uric acid can deposit in the soft tissues, especially around joints, and cause nodules known as tophi, which can be large and unsightly.



Gout is a chronic condition. Left untreated, patients may suffer from recurrent painful and disabling acute attacks of gout. Joint damage and other complications of gout may occur. However, excellent treatments for gout are available, and most patients respond very well to gout treatment with a good prognosis.


Prevention Gout Attacks:

·        Some of the risk factors for gout are genetic, and those are not preventable. However, many of the risk factors for gout, such as obesity and diet, are controllable. Maintaining a healthy weight and a diet low in refined carbohydrates and low in saturated fat and red meat may prevent gout.

·        Maintaining adequate fluid intake helps prevent acute gout attacks and decreases the risk of kidney stone formation in people with gout.

·        Alcohol is known to have diuretic effects that can contribute to dehydration and precipitate acute gout attacks. Alcohol can also affect uric acid metabolism and cause hyperuricemia. It causes gout by slowing down the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys as well as by causing dehydration, which precipitates the crystals in the joints.


Home Remedies:

·        While a joint is hot and swollen, one may want to use a cane or similar support to keep weight off that joint.

·        It may be helpful to keep the swollen joint elevated above the chest as much as possible. Ice packs can be helpful in relieving pain and reducing inflammation.

·        Watch your weight. Try to lose weight slowly.

·        Eat fresh fruit, vegetables, whole wheat products and some pulses (high in purine) every day.

·        Avoiding eating red meats, internal organs, yeast, shellfish, and oily fish because these increase the risk for gout.

·        Drink alcohol only occasionally, as it affects the elimination of uric acid.

·        Water flushes out toxins including excess uric acid from the body. Have at least 10- 12 glasses of water daily.

·        Cherries have anti–inflammatory substances named anthocyanis that help reduce uric acid levels. It prevents the uric acid from crystallising and being deposited in the joints. Cherries also neutralise the acids and help prevent inflammation and pain. 200 gms per day is very effective in bringing down uric acid.

·        The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of the uric acid .The juice of half a lime squeezed into a glass of water should be taken twice daily.



Homeopathic Treatment:

Homeopathic approach to Gout treatment is more of a totalistic approach. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints. Homeopathy is very strongly suggested for the treatment of Gout.

With continued treatment patient notices the reduction in the frequency of attacks and intensity of pains with gradually leading to complete cure.

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